Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Paleis Het Loo

Well, the introduction week is over and classes are beginning. Now is when everything really starts - or so I've been told. I'm kind of looking foward to really starting. Should be fun.

Anyway... I thought I'd add a few pictures from this weekend. We visited the Paleis Het Loo in Appeldoorn. It was pretty neat to see. It's a palace that's now a museum because the upkeep was too expensive. And the best part was that I got in for free! Yay for museum cards.

Above is Marloes, posing as a princess in the gardens of the palace.

Lights at the entrance of the palace

The back of the palace with the gardens

The Dutch flag


Kelsey said...

What is the time difference in Holland? Would you have written this at 1:55 Holland, or Canada? If it is Holland, then you should GO TO BED! haha. Miss you Olga! Glad you're having a great time!

Olga said...

I wrote it this morning, but it was later than 7:55, so I don't really think the time on this thing is accurate. It isn't Dutch or Ontario time.

Anonymous said...

Hi Olga

I had a snowday.
don't let your teacher work you
hard if he or she dose tell your
teacher to not work you hard and that I said so.Have fun in Holland.
xoxo Marc xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi Olga

Can't wait to see you in Holland.

Love ---- -------

Maria said...

very fun. i wouldn't mind living in a castle like that, as long as i didn't have to clean it. :)