Well, I figured I'd break my posts into two, so here's the second one.
This weekend I visited my family again, and it was a special weekend. They had "Kom in de Kas". Basically it's like a barn tour, except you visit greenhouses instead of farms, and it's not freezing cold (it was pretty warm at times actually). I thought it was pretty neat. They had three greenhouses which grew roses, which was quite a few, but otherwise there was quite a bit of variety - like cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, asperagus' (the white kind), and several varieties of flowers. We visited 12 different greenhouses in total, as well as a place that showed paintings (all having to do with flowers, fruits, and vegetables). It was kind of neat.
On Monday my Opa, Oma, and I visited my Oom Arjo's work. That was way more exciting than Kom in de Kas. I enjoyed Kom in de Kas, but seeing the greenhouse he works at was pretty awesome. A lot of the greenhouse is operated by robots, and it was HUGE! Everyone was at work, which makes it a lot more exciting, and it was just really neat.
One more thing I wanted to add has nothing to do with greenhouses, but more with the past. I visited my Opa and Oma Noordam Monday morning, and listened to the funniest tape (cassette) ever. It was of my Mom, Dad and me 17 and a half years ago pretty much. My language skills were a beautiful blend of two languages, and I did not know the order of the words to "Twinkle, twinkle little star" whatsoever. It was in tune, but the word order was a little off. It was really fun to listen to. I had to laugh pretty hard at times. Basically it just had Mom and I singing songs, and explaining about life in Canada a bit to our family in Holland. Dad talked a bit too. Very fun :)
Anyway, I think that's all I'll write for now. Hope all's well in Canada, and hope to see you all sometime after May 9.
P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KARISSA (if you happen to read this)
By Oom Arjo's work:
Planting Flowers

Heading over to be put in rows

This robot fills these trays with rows of flowers

A full tray
After planting the flowers get 1 min. under water
The "train" takes the newly planted flowers to their new temporary home
The train bringing the flowers away
When the flowers are old enough they get moved again by another train

And they go up...

...and up...
...to the top of the greenhouse
When they're needed for shipping they get brought down and are packaged...
...in a bag...
...and are put on carts

And finally they're shipped away