I figure I need to conclude this blog with my final days in the Netherlands. The last two weeks were quite busy, and after coming home I was quite busy as well, so I've never gotten around to it. So, here goes...
During the May vacation I had the privilege of going on vacation to Terschelling with my host family. Terschelling is one of the Netherland's islands in the north. It was really quite beautiful, and I had quite a good time getting to know my host family even better during that week. It was absolutely gorgeous weather, and we spent a lot of time sitting outside in the sun, reading, hiking, and biking. We got to see how the rescue boats worked, and how the cranberry industry got started on Terschelling. It was all very interesting and fun.
Antje on the beach
The Rescue Boat
Our home for the week
After getting back I still had a few days of classes before heading home. It was a bit stressful, but still pretty fun. We had a goodbye party which we had to host. The girls all did an interpretive dance to Phil Colins' "You'll Be in My Heart", which was really quite ridiculous, but loads of fun. We got dubbed the SPICE-girls. The meal for the evening was pancakes, which were made right in front of us by a chef - also quite the experience. It was all pretty delicious.
We weren't sick of pancakes after that evening, and went to the Panekoekenschip for supper on the Wednesday before I left. Following that, we had a suprise party for one of the guys in our group. It was a great time of final bonding before we all went our separate ways.
Thursday was my last day in Zwolle. It was pretty crazy. I still had class - including a presentation worth a fairly significant chunk of my grade, I had to pack, drop off my bike (taking the bus back home), and my grandparents were coming to pick me up as soon as I got home from school. It really wasn't all that fun, and I was fairly stressed out about it all. By the time I got to my grandparents I felt pretty wonderful and relieved. I got to say goodbye to most of my relatives who either came over that night or for coffee in the morning before I left (or both!). It was good to see them all once more.

In the Park on the last day - having fun with pictures
The boys thought we took way too many :)
Friday afternoon I headed to the airport with Opa & Oma Herbert and I headed back home to Canada. There I was greeted by my Dad, Mom, Marc, and a huge sign with my name and picture on it (made by Marc). It was really good to see them again.
I'm sure I will always remember all the experiences I had in Zwolle, as well as all the people there, for a long time to come. It was a wonderful experience that I really enjoyed sharing with you.